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Xbox Live and Its Uses

Posted on September 13 2012 in free xbox live, xbox live gold, free xbox live gold codes, free xbox live codes, xbox live gold free

Xbox Live and Its Uses

Xbox has become one of the greatest selling gaming consoles of all time. Easier to use, rich content and many other features have led to its rapid growth. Xbox introduced one of the most path breaking technologies in gaming arena in 2001 that was multiplayer gaming. The introduction of multiplayer gaming led to sky rocketing sales of Xbox. In span of 10 years Microsoft has managed to sell more than 60 million Xbox all over the world. And that’s not all more the 2 million players play it online.

The online version of Xbox is called Xbox Live or XBL. There are more than 23 million active subscribers of it and those numbers are increasing daily. The XBL allows multiplayer gaming and lots of other cool features like gamertags, games addons and facility to access other rich media. Xbox is growing globally in such a massive scale, all thanks to innovation and creativity of Microsoft engineers. With introduction of high quality multishooter games on Xbox live users have become addicted to it. This has started a new era of gaming which the world had never seen before. No other company can come close to what Microsoft is doing now with Xbox Live.

The only problem with XBL is that it’s not free and users have to spend money to be a part of it. Its bit of a lowball but with the kind of facilities and options that Xbox live has, the small fees is well worth it. And users don’t mind paying it. In order to be a part of Xbox Live users need to purchase certain membership level called as gold subscriptions. The free version of it is known silver subscription which has very limited usability. The Xbox gold membership is available in various time frames varying from 48hrs to whooping 1 year. With every purchase of new Xbox games users are rewarded some free Xbox live gold which users can use for playing. There are different promotions going all over the internet and participating in those can also help in getting free Xbox Live codes. One has to just do bit research as to where such promotions are being held. Once user has found the location, all that user has to do is visit the website and participate in it to claim their free code. A lot of Xbox user use these method to save money on their Xbox Live subscription.

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